
Louis Vuitton Mini HL Speedy

It’s 2020 and Mini/Nano/Micro bags are all the craze. The most hyped bag for Louis Vuitton at the moment is the Louis Vuitton Nano Speedy, but it is extremely difficult to get. (I was one of the lucky few to be able to purchase this bag online during their restock frenzy — see my previous post here).

However, one bag that you can opt to purchase instead is the Louis Vuitton Mini HL Speedy. This particular bag is no longer in production, but currently easy to find on the preloved market. With mini bags still in trend, it’s the perfect time to buy. It may become more difficult to obtain later on, so if you want to add one to your collection it’s best to do it now!

I purchased mine on Ebay. It was difficult to find one in the exact condition and with the criteria I wanted, but with persistence I was able to find one that I was extremely happy with.

You may wonder why I purchased the LV Mini HL Speedy, when I already have the LV Nano Speedy. Well to be honest, I wanted a collector’s item and it was a missing piece to my minibag collection. Plus, she is just so darn cute to look at. How could you say no?

The mini beauty in all it’s glory.

This tiny baby is 26 years old and looking beautiful as ever. ( I mean it’s practically the age of my younger sister!) Although a small bag, she is still user friendly and fits a lot. It holds my main essentials and even my phone. A #WIMB coming soon! It’s a small top handle bag, so it doesn’t come with any straps, but it’s very easy to hook on to turn it into a crossbody.

I did a quick search and here are a few LV Mini HL Speedy that I have seen on the pre-loved market. I hope it’ll help you be able to find one for your own collection as well.

#1. LINK ; #2. LINK ; and #3. LINK

What do you think of the minibag trend? Worth it or too small?


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