Fitness Hikes

Hike: Mission Peak Regional Preserve

I know it’s been awhile since one of my Weigh-in Wednesdays, but things change and I just could not connect with the new schedule as I would have liked to. Instead of focusing so hard to lose the weight, I’ve decided to just go with the flow and workout as I seem it can fit in my schedule with a change in what I am consuming.

However, today I wanted to also talk about other ways to be active and get a good workout in without being stuck indoors or on a machine. Aside from running outside, one of the things I love to do is go Hiking. I live in the Bay Area here in California and there are lots of hiking spots around us. I thought why not share my experience and perspective on the hikes I’ve done. I have hiked Mission Peak a handful of times now throughout my life and each time I can certainly feel the pain.

Over time, this hike has gotten exponentially popular and has been busy year round even during the Wintertime when it can get a bit muddy. This has got to be a staple place to hike in the Bay Area more particularly Fremont, CA.

Location: Fremont, CA
Parking: There is a small spot parking located in the front however, since it is so busy it’s really difficult to find parking there if you aren’t early enough (or lucky). Due to the popularity of the hike, they have changed the street parking and there are designated parking areas where visitors can park. Just be sure that you are taking note of the street signs as recently they have gotten more strict and giving out parking tickets .
Costs/Fees: No entrance or parking fee as of May 2018.
Length: About 6 miles total from the bottom to the top.
Elevation: Starting point is about 400 feet and as you progressively hike up it can get to be about 2,500 feet.
Difficulty: Moderate to Hard


Experience: When you first begin, not even 5 minutes into it you can instantly feel the steepness and the muscles working in your legs and thighs. The hike is kind of like a swirly zig-zag going up the mountain and along the way there are about 4 or so bench spots in between that’s is located nicely for rest spots to refuel and eat snacks and enjoy the view. The view overlooks Fremont, CA and even over the Dumbarton Bridge, which is amazing but your body will feel the pain. If you are not an active person who does not hike a lot, Mission Peak will definitely be difficult, but still very much doable with enough pace and rest.

Just pace yourself and don’t worry about finishing it the fastest. Personally I need to carry at least 2 water bottles with me to ensure that I stay hydrated. The first time that I hiked Mission Peak it was almost 10 years ago and now that I went again it is different, it has become a bit more mand-made due to mud/rock slides. At the turn points near the public restroom/pitstop that is when you are nearing the finishline.

During the hike, there were many times that I wanted to stop and turn back around, but I mentally reminded myself that it was possible and worth it. Once at the top, there is a pole that I think is suppose to tell you directions/coordinates to something, but majority of the hikers take a photo by/on it showing they ‘MADE IT,” which is surely an accomplishment!

After the infamous photo, taking a break, it’s time to go down. Since hiking up was so steep going down is much easier. If you run down the peak you can even get down within 30-40mins! However, since it is so steep be sure to be careful when going down the slope because it can get slippery and you can slid and slip and eventrip over yourself Which would not be pleasant. Eventually enough, you’ll see the starting gate and you jump for joy.  The hike is about 16,000 -treacherous- steps sooooo next stop, FOOOOOOD(Order whatever you want because you so totally deserve it!)!!!!!

**Keep focus and go with a group to make it for fun and encouraging. Mental mindset will get you to the top!

Tip: Mission Peak does not have a lot of shade so be sure to wear sunscreen and/or a hat. Bring at least 2 water bottles to keep you hydrated if you get thirsty quick & snacks if you tend to get hungry to need a little pick me up!

Do you guys like to hike? What is one of the hardest hikes y’all done?


With Love, Settle

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