
Weigh-in Wednesday: Week 1

IMG_2637Week 1:

It’s been a week since I started my fitness journey with Shuan T’s Focus T-25. The fact that it is only 25 minutes a day makes it less dreading and a lot more achievable. When I feel sluggish and tired, my thought process to get started and finishing the workout is: If I can sit and watch hours of Youtube videos and TV shows, then I can finish an episode of Focus T-25. This first week was not as bad as I was expecting it to be, but I can definitely see that I am out of shape.

Next Week’s Working Improvements: Rebuild my strength and endurance. Try not to use the modifier for more than 5 minutes.

Stats: No change on scale or measurements around my body…yet.

Results: Although no change statistically, I do see a change in my mood, energy, and the way my body feels. I feel more energetic throughout the day. I feel like my body is slimming down even though it isn’t showing by the measurements.

All in all, GREAT first week and start to the program. Excited to continue and see gradual positive changes.

**I’m feeling a little under the weather this week so hopefully I can get through it.

With love,

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