
Sole Saturday: Intro

I remember when I was younger I would walk into Foot Locker admiring all the shoes on the wall neatly lined from Air Jordans, Nike, Adidas, to K-Swiss. Shoes were just shoes to my parents, so spending $50-$100 on one pair of shoes was ridiculous to them. Every year my siblings and I were allowed one pair of new shoes for back to school and it was always from Payless. Now don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with Payless, they make great affordable shoes and for children it’s really a bang for your buck.

Fast forward, when I began working and getting paid my love for sneakers, sandals, flats, etc became an addiction. When I landed my first job and finally started to make money I felt like I was on-top of the world being able to purchase a pair of Nikes off the wall of Foot Locker. After college, while trying to find a “career- orientated” job I worked part-time at a shoe department store and with the job you were offered an employee discount, which was totally not a good idea since my shoe collection has tripled (possibly quintuple)  in size. Not only do I love sneakers, but flats and sandals are probably my favorites.

Sometimes I look in my closet and just shake my head at the amount of shoes that I have now (LOL), but am always willing to share my shoes to my younger sister who is luckily the same size as me (so it’s okay right?). I am extremely grateful for all that I have and with Sole Settle Saturdays, I would like to share my passion for soles with you all.

Here is what is on my feet today:


What is your favorite brand/pair of shoes?

Let me know in the comment section.


With Love,


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