
My Fitness Journey…

IMG_4049I remember in the beginning of my teenage years my metabolism and entire body began to change. It seemed as though everything I was consuming just turned into fat and remained in my system. I admit I was not the most active teenager, but I did enjoyed the outdoors and playing sports.

During high-school I was at my heaviest. Although I am short and had a ‘smaller’ frame, it was obvious that I was obese, but I didn’t really realize how big I was until I saw myself in pictures post graduation. (I didn’t really like taking photos and when I did I always wanted to delete them.)

It was not until my third year of college that I began to see a change in my body. Moving out of my parent’s home and being on my own, able to make the dishes I wanted to eat and provide for myself made a huge difference in my life as I knew what I was consuming. I mean do not get me wrong Mom’s cooking is the best, but sometimes it just is not the healthiest. The walking to and from campus definitely helped with the weight-loss as well, but it was not until I joined a bootcamp at the local gym during my last year of college that I began to see the real difference. Initially I wanted to get out of a slump I was feeling towards life and wanted to focus on myself and build endurance. Bootcamp changed my life while in college, I became more alive, active, and had a lot more energy throughout the day. I did not focus on dropping pounds but more so on my building a healthier me and getting fit, which eventually lead me to losing weight because I did not put added pressure on myself. As I continued with bootcamp everyone around me started to see the change in my body, me slimming down, and made compliments about my weight such as “Wow, you look good!” “Wow you’re so skinny now!” although I am sure it is from a genuine place I still never really felt skinny. I still fit into my old jeans and clothes. I still saw fat. No matter how much weight I lost I never felt skinny, healthier yes but not skinny. I had really low self-esteem (but more to come of that at a later time).

Upon graduation from college, I was in the best shape I had ever been in my entire life and moving back home, I wanted to keep the momentum and continue to workout but the adjustment of moving back home with my parents to the Bay Area, trying to find a job, finding a NEW workout routine, affording gym membership or finding a reasonable cost bootcamp, and the high cost of living really affected me and brought me back to my old ways. Let’s just say living at home is not easy.

Now about 4 years later, I realize now that my metabolism did not change when I lost weight and I needed to have a constant workout routine to be able to maintain the same weight that I was when I graduated college. I admit I was a lot happier than as well. I can see a change in my body of going back to the way I was in highschool and that frightens me. Not being able to fit into your favorite pair of jeans or top is saddening. I’ve gain back much of my weight but in different places and it totally sucks.

Now into the new year of 2018, I have a clearer mindset and I am determined to push out all negative comments around me pertaining to my life, the way I look especially from my family and learn to love and appreciate myself…again. I need to remind myself that working out and losing weight can only be done because I want to do it not because others want me to look a certain way. Only I can make myself happy.

I have always contemplated about sharing my “weight-loss” journey and the way I felt on how others perceived and treated me but never did, but now I want to share my story through my blog and for others to know that they truly are beautiful in their own way. If you want to lose weight, but feel pressured from the people around you, (which may cause more stress and strain to achieving their weight goal) to always stop and ask yourself “Are you happy?” and “Why do you want to lose weight, is it for you or others?” Your answer should always be about you. You can never accomplish anything for other people if it is not what you want. To remember that other people’s perception of happiness and image of beauty is not how you should always perceive yourself.

Now between juggling a career, studying, relationship, and household duties, it’s hard to find time to go to the gym during the weekdays (that is not during gym rush hour let alone keep up with the membership fees). However, I have tried joining the gym a few times and found that it just was not for me. At the end of the day I’m more of a bootcamp, outdoor running, biking, and hiking gal. I miss my bootcamp class back in college, also I do not have a group of friends here to go workout with, so I found that at home fitness videos works best for me. Besides finding videos on YouTube, I am determined to follow through the entire 3 stages this time (I started it once before, but failed to keep up). I found that Shaun T’s FOCUS T25 has worked best for me in my busy schedule. Only 25 minutes a day and it surely works you to sweat.

So, I’d like to share my fitness journey with you all as I go through Shuan T’s FOCUS T25 15 weeks workout program. The program I am referring to is : Shuan T’s FOCUS T25 Alpha & Beta Cycle (first two cycle) and Shuan T’s FOCUS T25 Gamma Cycle (last cycle).



I can’t wait to share with you all my progression and results. What workout has worked for you? Let me know in me comments down below.



With Love, Settle

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